
This module implements some basic linear algebra routines, with the following characteristics.

  • The geometry comes first, a.k.a vector has shape (vdim, n1,...,nk) where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension, and n1,...,nk are arbitrary. Note that numpy uses the opposite convention, putting vdim in last position.
  • The routines are compatible with forward automatic differentiation, see module AutomaticDifferentiation.
  1# Copyright 2020 Jean-Marie Mirebeau, University Paris-Sud, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay
  2# Distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see
  5This module implements some basic linear algebra routines, with the following characteristics.
  6- The geometry comes first, a.k.a vector has shape (vdim, n1,...,nk) where vdim is the 
  7 ambient vector space dimension, and n1,...,nk are arbitrary. 
  8 Note that *numpy uses the opposite convention*, putting vdim in last position.
  9- The routines are compatible with forward automatic differentiation, see module
 10 AutomaticDifferentiation.
 13import numpy as np
 14from . import AutomaticDifferentiation as ad
 15from . import FiniteDifferences as fd
 17def identity(shape):
 18	dim = len(shape)
 19	a = np.full((dim,dim)+shape,0.)
 20	for i in range(dim):
 21		a[i,i]=1.
 22	return a
 24def rotation(theta,axis=None):
 25	"""
 26	Dimension 2 : by a given angle.
 27	Dimension 3 : by a given angle, along a given axis.
 28	Three dimensional rotation matrix, with given axis and angle.
 29	Adapted from
 30	"""
 31	if axis is None:
 32		c,s=np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta)
 33		return ad.asarray([[c,-s],[s,c]])
 34	else:
 35		theta,axis = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (theta,axis))
 36		axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis,axis=0)
 37		theta,axis=fd.common_field((theta,axis),(0,1))
 38		a = np.cos(theta / 2.0)
 39		b, c, d = -axis * np.sin(theta / 2.0)
 40		aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d
 41		bc, ad_, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d
 42		return ad.asarray([
 43			[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad_), 2 * (bd - ac)],
 44			[2 * (bc - ad_), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)],
 45			[2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]])
 46#	return scipy.linalg.expm(np.cross(np.eye(3), axis/scipy.linalg.norm(axis)*theta)) # Alternative
 48# Dot product (vector-vector, matrix-vector and matrix-matrix) in parallel
 49def dot_VV(v,w):
 50	"""
 51	Dot product <v,w> of two vectors.
 52	Inputs : 
 53	- v,w : arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), 
 54	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
 55	"""
 56	v=ad.asarray(v); w=ad.asarray(w)
 57	if v.shape[0]!=w.shape[0]: raise ValueError('dot_VV : Incompatible shapes')
 58	return (v*w).sum(0)
 60def dot_AV(a,v):
 61	"""
 62	Dot product a.v of a matrix and vector.
 63	Inputs : 
 64	- a : array of shape (wdim,vdim, n1,...,nk)
 65	- v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
 66	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
 67	"""
 68	if a.shape[1]!=v.shape[0]: raise ValueError("dot_AV : Incompatible shapes")
 69	return (a*np.expand_dims(v,axis=0)).sum(1)
 71def dot_VA(v,a):
 72	"""
 73	Dot product v^T.a of a vector and matrix.
 74	Inputs : 
 75	- v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk)
 76	- a : array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
 77	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
 78	"""
 79	m,n = a.shape[:2]
 80	bounds = a.shape[2:]
 81	if v.shape != (m,)+bounds:
 82		raise ValueError("dot_VA : Incompatible shapes")
 84	return (v.reshape((m,1)+bounds)*a).sum(0)
 87def dot_AA(a,b):
 88	"""
 89	Dot product a.b of two matrices.
 90	Inputs : 
 91	- a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
 92	- a: array of shape (wdim,xdim, n1,...,nk),	
 93	"""
 94	m,n=a.shape[:2]
 95	bounds = a.shape[2:]
 96	k = b.shape[1]
 97	if b.shape!=(n,k,)+bounds: raise ValueError("dot_AA error : Incompatible shapes")
 98	if ad.is_ad(a) or ad.is_ad(b): # Note : not very memory efficient
 99		return (a.reshape((m,n,1)+bounds)*b.reshape((1,n,k)+bounds)).sum(1)
100	else: 
101		return np.moveaxis(
102			np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1)) @ np.moveaxis(b,(0,1),(-2,-1)),(-2,-1),(0,1))
104def dot_VAV(v,a,w):
105	"""
106	Dot product <v,a.w> of two vectors and a matrix (usually symmetric).
107	Inputs (typical): 
108	- v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),	
109	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
110	- w: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),	
111	"""
112	return dot_VV(v,dot_AV(a,w))
114def mult(k,x):
115	"""Multiplication by scalar, of a vector or matrix"""
116	# Quite useless, as it is directly handled by broadcasting
117	bounds = k.shape
118	dim = x.ndim-k.ndim
119	if x.shape[dim:]!=bounds:
120		raise ValueError("mult error : incompatible shapes")
121	return k.reshape((1,)*dim+bounds)*x
124def perp(v):
125	"""
126	Rotates a vector by pi/2, producing [v[1],v[0]]
127	Inputs: 
128	- v: array of shape (2, n1,...,nk)
129	"""
130	if v.shape[0]!=2:
131		raise ValueError("perp error : Incompatible dimension")		
132	return ad.asarray( (-v[1],v[0]) )
134def cross(v,w):
135	"""
136	Cross product v x w of two vectors.
137	Inputs: 
138	- v,w: arrays of shape (3, n1,...,nk)
139	"""
140	if v.shape[0]!=3 or v.shape!=w.shape:
141		raise ValueError("cross error : Incompatible dimensions")
142	return ad.asarray( (v[1]*w[2]-v[2]*w[1], \
143	v[2]*w[0]-v[0]*w[2], v[0]*w[1]-v[1]*w[0]) )
145def outer(v,w):
146	"""
147	Outer product v w^T of two vectors.
148	Inputs : 
149	- v,w: arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
150	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
151	"""
152	if v.shape[1:] != w.shape[1:]:
153		raise ValueError("outer error : Incompatible dimensions")
154	m,n=v.shape[0],w.shape[0]
155	bounds = v.shape[1:]
156	return v.reshape((m,1)+bounds)*w.reshape((1,n)+bounds)
158def outer_self(v):
159	"""
160	Outer product v v^T of a vector with itself.
161	Inputs : 
162	- v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
163	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
164	"""
165	v=ad.asarray(v)
166	return outer(v,v)
168def transpose(a):
169	"""
170	Transpose a^T of a matrix.
171	Input : 
172	- a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
173	"""
174	return a.transpose( (1,0,)+tuple(range(2,a.ndim)) )
176def trace(a):
177	"""
178	Trace tr(a) of a square matrix, a.k.a sum of the diagonal elements.
179	Input : 
180	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
181	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
182	"""
183	vdim = a.shape[0]
184	if a.shape[1]!=vdim:
185		raise ValueError("trace error : incompatible dimensions")
186	return sum(a[i,i] for i in range(vdim))
188# Low dimensional special cases
190def det(a):
191	"""
192	Determinant of a square matrix.
193	Input : 
194	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
195	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
196	"""
197	a=ad.asarray(a)
199	dim = a.shape[0]
200	if a.shape[1]!=dim:
201		raise ValueError("inverse error : incompatible dimensions")
202	if dim==1:
203		return a[0,0]
204	elif dim==2:
205		return a[0,0]*a[1,1]-a[0,1]*a[1,0]
206	elif dim==3:
207		return a[0,0]*a[1,1]*a[2,2]+a[0,1]*a[1,2]*a[2,0]+a[0,2]*a[1,0]*a[2,1] \
208		- a[0,2]*a[1,1]*a[2,0] - a[1,2]*a[2,1]*a[0,0]- a[2,2]*a[0,1]*a[1,0]
209	else:
210		raise ValueError("det error : unsupported dimension") 
212# Suppressed due to extreme slowness, at least in cupy 6
213#	if not (ad.is_ad(a) or a.dtype==np.dtype('object')): 
214#		return np.linalg.det(np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1)))
217def inverse(a,avoid_np_linalg_inv=False):
218	"""
219	Inverse of a square matrix.
220	Input : 
221	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
222	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension.
223	- avoid_np_linalg_inv: for unknown reasons, the np.linalg.inv routine can be very slow 
224	  when applied to large arrays of many small matrices. (numpy 1.23.3, mac OS, M1 processor)
225	  Use an explicit inversion instead, via Cramer's formula, implemented for shape (2,2) and (3,3)
226	"""
227	a=ad.asarray(a)
228	if not (ad.is_ad(a) or a.dtype==np.dtype('object') or avoid_np_linalg_inv):
229		try: return np.moveaxis(np.linalg.inv(np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1))),(-2,-1),(0,1))
230		except np.linalg.LinAlgError: pass # Old cupy versions do not support arrays of dimension>2
232	if isinstance(a,ad.Dense.denseAD):
233		b = inverse(a.value)
234		b_ = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,),conditional=False) 
235		h = a.coef
236		return ad.Dense.denseAD(b,-dot_AA(b_,dot_AA(h,b_)))
237	elif isinstance(a,ad.Dense2.denseAD2):
238		b = inverse(a.value)
239		b1 = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,),conditional=False)
240		h = a.coef1
241		h2 = a.coef2
243		bh = dot_AA(b1,h)
244		bhb = dot_AA(bh,b1)
245		bhbhb = dot_AA(np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(bh,-1),h2.shape),
246			np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(bhb,-2),h2.shape))
248		b2 = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,a.size_ad),conditional=False)
249		bh2b = dot_AA(b2,dot_AA(h2,b2))
250		return ad.Dense2.denseAD2(b,-bhb,bhbhb+np.swapaxes(bhbhb,-1,-2)-bh2b)
251	elif ad.is_ad(a):
252		d=len(a)
253		return ad.apply(inverse,a,shape_bound=a.shape[2:])
254	elif a.shape[:2] == (2,2):
255		return ad.asarray([[a[1,1],-a[0,1]],[-a[1,0],a[0,0]]])/det(a)
256	elif a.shape[:2] == (3,3):
257		return ad.asarray([[
258			a[(i+1)%3,(j+1)%3]*a[(i+2)%3,(j+2)%3]-a[(i+1)%3,(j+2)%3]*a[(i+2)%3,(j+1)%3]
259			for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])/det(a)
260	raise ValueError(f"Unsupported inverse for {type(a)} with dtype {a.dtype} and dimensions {a.shape}")
262def solve_AV(a,v):
263	"""
264	Solution to a linear system (preferably low dimensional).
265	Input : 
266	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
267	- v: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
268	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
269	"""
270	a,v=ad.asarray(a),ad.asarray(v)
271	if ad.is_ad(v) or a.dtype==np.dtype('object') or (
272		len(a)<=3 and ad.cupy_generic.from_cupy(a)): 
273		# Inefficient, but compatible with ndarray subclasses
274		# Also cupy.linalg.solve has a performance issue (cupy version 7.8) 
275		return dot_AV(inverse(a),v) 
276	return np.moveaxis(np.linalg.solve(np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1)),np.moveaxis(v,0,-1)),-1,0)			
def identity(shape):
18def identity(shape):
19	dim = len(shape)
20	a = np.full((dim,dim)+shape,0.)
21	for i in range(dim):
22		a[i,i]=1.
23	return a
def rotation(theta, axis=None):
25def rotation(theta,axis=None):
26	"""
27	Dimension 2 : by a given angle.
28	Dimension 3 : by a given angle, along a given axis.
29	Three dimensional rotation matrix, with given axis and angle.
30	Adapted from
31	"""
32	if axis is None:
33		c,s=np.cos(theta),np.sin(theta)
34		return ad.asarray([[c,-s],[s,c]])
35	else:
36		theta,axis = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (theta,axis))
37		axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis,axis=0)
38		theta,axis=fd.common_field((theta,axis),(0,1))
39		a = np.cos(theta / 2.0)
40		b, c, d = -axis * np.sin(theta / 2.0)
41		aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d
42		bc, ad_, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d
43		return ad.asarray([
44			[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad_), 2 * (bd - ac)],
45			[2 * (bc - ad_), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)],
46			[2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]])

Dimension 2 : by a given angle. Dimension 3 : by a given angle, along a given axis. Three dimensional rotation matrix, with given axis and angle. Adapted from

def dot_VV(v, w):
50def dot_VV(v,w):
51	"""
52	Dot product <v,w> of two vectors.
53	Inputs : 
54	- v,w : arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), 
55	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
56	"""
57	v=ad.asarray(v); w=ad.asarray(w)
58	if v.shape[0]!=w.shape[0]: raise ValueError('dot_VV : Incompatible shapes')
59	return (v*w).sum(0)

Dot product of two vectors. Inputs :

  • v,w : arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def dot_AV(a, v):
61def dot_AV(a,v):
62	"""
63	Dot product a.v of a matrix and vector.
64	Inputs : 
65	- a : array of shape (wdim,vdim, n1,...,nk)
66	- v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
67	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
68	"""
69	if a.shape[1]!=v.shape[0]: raise ValueError("dot_AV : Incompatible shapes")
70	return (a*np.expand_dims(v,axis=0)).sum(1)

Dot product a.v of a matrix and vector. Inputs :

  • a : array of shape (wdim,vdim, n1,...,nk)
  • v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def dot_VA(v, a):
72def dot_VA(v,a):
73	"""
74	Dot product v^T.a of a vector and matrix.
75	Inputs : 
76	- v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk)
77	- a : array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
78	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
79	"""
80	m,n = a.shape[:2]
81	bounds = a.shape[2:]
82	if v.shape != (m,)+bounds:
83		raise ValueError("dot_VA : Incompatible shapes")
85	return (v.reshape((m,1)+bounds)*a).sum(0)

Dot product v^T.a of a vector and matrix. Inputs :

  • v : array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk)
  • a : array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def dot_AA(a, b):
 88def dot_AA(a,b):
 89	"""
 90	Dot product a.b of two matrices.
 91	Inputs : 
 92	- a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
 93	- a: array of shape (wdim,xdim, n1,...,nk),	
 94	"""
 95	m,n=a.shape[:2]
 96	bounds = a.shape[2:]
 97	k = b.shape[1]
 98	if b.shape!=(n,k,)+bounds: raise ValueError("dot_AA error : Incompatible shapes")
 99	if ad.is_ad(a) or ad.is_ad(b): # Note : not very memory efficient
100		return (a.reshape((m,n,1)+bounds)*b.reshape((1,n,k)+bounds)).sum(1)
101	else: 
102		return np.moveaxis(
103			np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1)) @ np.moveaxis(b,(0,1),(-2,-1)),(-2,-1),(0,1))

Dot product a.b of two matrices. Inputs :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
  • a: array of shape (wdim,xdim, n1,...,nk),
def dot_VAV(v, a, w):
105def dot_VAV(v,a,w):
106	"""
107	Dot product <v,a.w> of two vectors and a matrix (usually symmetric).
108	Inputs (typical): 
109	- v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),	
110	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
111	- w: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),	
112	"""
113	return dot_VV(v,dot_AV(a,w))

Dot product of two vectors and a matrix (usually symmetric). Inputs (typical):

  • v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
  • a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
  • w: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
def mult(k, x):
115def mult(k,x):
116	"""Multiplication by scalar, of a vector or matrix"""
117	# Quite useless, as it is directly handled by broadcasting
118	bounds = k.shape
119	dim = x.ndim-k.ndim
120	if x.shape[dim:]!=bounds:
121		raise ValueError("mult error : incompatible shapes")
122	return k.reshape((1,)*dim+bounds)*x

Multiplication by scalar, of a vector or matrix

def perp(v):
125def perp(v):
126	"""
127	Rotates a vector by pi/2, producing [v[1],v[0]]
128	Inputs: 
129	- v: array of shape (2, n1,...,nk)
130	"""
131	if v.shape[0]!=2:
132		raise ValueError("perp error : Incompatible dimension")		
133	return ad.asarray( (-v[1],v[0]) )

Rotates a vector by pi/2, producing [v[1],v[0]] Inputs:

  • v: array of shape (2, n1,...,nk)
def cross(v, w):
135def cross(v,w):
136	"""
137	Cross product v x w of two vectors.
138	Inputs: 
139	- v,w: arrays of shape (3, n1,...,nk)
140	"""
141	if v.shape[0]!=3 or v.shape!=w.shape:
142		raise ValueError("cross error : Incompatible dimensions")
143	return ad.asarray( (v[1]*w[2]-v[2]*w[1], \
144	v[2]*w[0]-v[0]*w[2], v[0]*w[1]-v[1]*w[0]) )

Cross product v x w of two vectors. Inputs:

  • v,w: arrays of shape (3, n1,...,nk)
def outer(v, w):
146def outer(v,w):
147	"""
148	Outer product v w^T of two vectors.
149	Inputs : 
150	- v,w: arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
151	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
152	"""
153	if v.shape[1:] != w.shape[1:]:
154		raise ValueError("outer error : Incompatible dimensions")
155	m,n=v.shape[0],w.shape[0]
156	bounds = v.shape[1:]
157	return v.reshape((m,1)+bounds)*w.reshape((1,n)+bounds)

Outer product v w^T of two vectors. Inputs :

  • v,w: arrays of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def outer_self(v):
159def outer_self(v):
160	"""
161	Outer product v v^T of a vector with itself.
162	Inputs : 
163	- v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk),
164	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
165	"""
166	v=ad.asarray(v)
167	return outer(v,v)

Outer product v v^T of a vector with itself. Inputs :

  • v: array of shape (vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def transpose(a):
169def transpose(a):
170	"""
171	Transpose a^T of a matrix.
172	Input : 
173	- a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
174	"""
175	return a.transpose( (1,0,)+tuple(range(2,a.ndim)) )

Transpose a^T of a matrix. Input :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,wdim, n1,...,nk),
def trace(a):
177def trace(a):
178	"""
179	Trace tr(a) of a square matrix, a.k.a sum of the diagonal elements.
180	Input : 
181	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
182	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
183	"""
184	vdim = a.shape[0]
185	if a.shape[1]!=vdim:
186		raise ValueError("trace error : incompatible dimensions")
187	return sum(a[i,i] for i in range(vdim))

Trace tr(a) of a square matrix, a.k.a sum of the diagonal elements. Input :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def det(a):
191def det(a):
192	"""
193	Determinant of a square matrix.
194	Input : 
195	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
196	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
197	"""
198	a=ad.asarray(a)
200	dim = a.shape[0]
201	if a.shape[1]!=dim:
202		raise ValueError("inverse error : incompatible dimensions")
203	if dim==1:
204		return a[0,0]
205	elif dim==2:
206		return a[0,0]*a[1,1]-a[0,1]*a[1,0]
207	elif dim==3:
208		return a[0,0]*a[1,1]*a[2,2]+a[0,1]*a[1,2]*a[2,0]+a[0,2]*a[1,0]*a[2,1] \
209		- a[0,2]*a[1,1]*a[2,0] - a[1,2]*a[2,1]*a[0,0]- a[2,2]*a[0,1]*a[1,0]
210	else:
211		raise ValueError("det error : unsupported dimension") 

Determinant of a square matrix. Input :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
def inverse(a, avoid_np_linalg_inv=False):
218def inverse(a,avoid_np_linalg_inv=False):
219	"""
220	Inverse of a square matrix.
221	Input : 
222	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
223	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension.
224	- avoid_np_linalg_inv: for unknown reasons, the np.linalg.inv routine can be very slow 
225	  when applied to large arrays of many small matrices. (numpy 1.23.3, mac OS, M1 processor)
226	  Use an explicit inversion instead, via Cramer's formula, implemented for shape (2,2) and (3,3)
227	"""
228	a=ad.asarray(a)
229	if not (ad.is_ad(a) or a.dtype==np.dtype('object') or avoid_np_linalg_inv):
230		try: return np.moveaxis(np.linalg.inv(np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1))),(-2,-1),(0,1))
231		except np.linalg.LinAlgError: pass # Old cupy versions do not support arrays of dimension>2
233	if isinstance(a,ad.Dense.denseAD):
234		b = inverse(a.value)
235		b_ = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,),conditional=False) 
236		h = a.coef
237		return ad.Dense.denseAD(b,-dot_AA(b_,dot_AA(h,b_)))
238	elif isinstance(a,ad.Dense2.denseAD2):
239		b = inverse(a.value)
240		b1 = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,),conditional=False)
241		h = a.coef1
242		h2 = a.coef2
244		bh = dot_AA(b1,h)
245		bhb = dot_AA(bh,b1)
246		bhbhb = dot_AA(np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(bh,-1),h2.shape),
247			np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(bhb,-2),h2.shape))
249		b2 = fd.as_field(b,(a.size_ad,a.size_ad),conditional=False)
250		bh2b = dot_AA(b2,dot_AA(h2,b2))
251		return ad.Dense2.denseAD2(b,-bhb,bhbhb+np.swapaxes(bhbhb,-1,-2)-bh2b)
252	elif ad.is_ad(a):
253		d=len(a)
254		return ad.apply(inverse,a,shape_bound=a.shape[2:])
255	elif a.shape[:2] == (2,2):
256		return ad.asarray([[a[1,1],-a[0,1]],[-a[1,0],a[0,0]]])/det(a)
257	elif a.shape[:2] == (3,3):
258		return ad.asarray([[
259			a[(i+1)%3,(j+1)%3]*a[(i+2)%3,(j+2)%3]-a[(i+1)%3,(j+2)%3]*a[(i+2)%3,(j+1)%3]
260			for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])/det(a)
261	raise ValueError(f"Unsupported inverse for {type(a)} with dtype {a.dtype} and dimensions {a.shape}")

Inverse of a square matrix. Input :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension.
  • avoid_np_linalg_inv: for unknown reasons, the np.linalg.inv routine can be very slow when applied to large arrays of many small matrices. (numpy 1.23.3, mac OS, M1 processor) Use an explicit inversion instead, via Cramer's formula, implemented for shape (2,2) and (3,3)
def solve_AV(a, v):
263def solve_AV(a,v):
264	"""
265	Solution to a linear system (preferably low dimensional).
266	Input : 
267	- a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
268	- v: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
269	 where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension
270	"""
271	a,v=ad.asarray(a),ad.asarray(v)
272	if ad.is_ad(v) or a.dtype==np.dtype('object') or (
273		len(a)<=3 and ad.cupy_generic.from_cupy(a)): 
274		# Inefficient, but compatible with ndarray subclasses
275		# Also cupy.linalg.solve has a performance issue (cupy version 7.8) 
276		return dot_AV(inverse(a),v) 
277	return np.moveaxis(np.linalg.solve(np.moveaxis(a,(0,1),(-2,-1)),np.moveaxis(v,0,-1)),-1,0)			

Solution to a linear system (preferably low dimensional). Input :

  • a: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk),
  • v: array of shape (vdim,vdim, n1,...,nk), where vdim is the ambient vector space dimension