
This module allows to define domains of $R^d$ by combinations of elementary shapes, and to compute finite differences within these domains with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

  1# Copyright 2020 Jean-Marie Mirebeau, University Paris-Sud, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay
  2# Distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see
  5This module allows to define domains of $R^d$ by combinations of elementary shapes, 
  6and to compute finite differences within these domains with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
  9from . import FiniteDifferences as fd
 10from . import AutomaticDifferentiation as ad
 11from . import LinearParallel as lp
 13import numpy as np
 14from functools import reduce
 15from itertools import cycle
 17class Domain:
 18	"""
 19	This class represents a domain from which one can query 
 20	a level set function, the boundary distance in a given direction,
 21	and some related methods.
 22	"""
 24	def __init__(self):
 25		pass
 27	def level(self,x):
 28		"""
 29		A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside.
 30		Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.
 31		"""
 32		raise ValueError("""Domain level set function must be specialized""")
 34	def contains(self,x):
 35		"""
 36		Wether x lies inside the domain.
 37		"""
 38		return self.level(x)<0
 40	def intervals(self,x,v):
 41		r"""
 42		A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, 
 43		$$
 44			] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [
 45		$$
 46		such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.
 47		"""
 48		raise ValueError("""Domain intervals function must be specialized""")
 50	def freeway(self,x,v):
 51		r"""
 52		Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.
 53		"""
 54		a,b = self.intervals(x,v)
 55		a[a<0]=np.inf
 56		b[b<0]=np.inf
 57		return np.minimum(a.min(axis=0),b.min(axis=0))
 59	def contains_ball(self,x,h,ball_pattern=None):
 60		"""
 61		Wether the domain contains the ball of center $x$ and radius $h$.
 62		Approximate predicate based on sampling, using ball_pattern.
 63		"""
 64		if h==0.: 	return self.contains(x)
 65		if h<0.:	return AbsoluteComplement(self).contains_ball(x,-h)
 66		level = self.level(x)
 67		inside = level<0
 69		# Fix boundary layer
 70		mask = np.logical_and(inside,level>-h) # Recall level is 1-Lipschitz
 71		xm=x[:,mask]
 72		if ball_pattern is None: ball_pattern = self.ball_pattern()
 73		ball_pattern = fd.as_field(ball_pattern,xm.shape[1:],conditional=False)
 74		xb = np.expand_dims(xm,axis=1)+h*ball_pattern
 75		inside[mask] = np.all(self.contains(xb),axis=0)
 76		return inside
 78	def ball_pattern(self,vdim=None,r=1):
 79		"""
 80		Produces a sampling pattern in a ball, to be used in the contains_ball predicate.
 81		"""
 82		if vdim is None: vdim = self.vdim
 83		if vdim is None: raise ValueError("Unspecified dimension")
 84		aX = list(range(-r,r+1))
 85		X = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*(aX,)*vdim,indexing='ij')).reshape(vdim,-1)
 86		nX = np.sqrt((X**2).sum(axis=0))
 87		pos = nX>0
 88		return X[:,pos]/nX[pos]	
 90	@property
 91	def vdim(self):
 92		"""Dimension of the embedding space"""
 93		return None
 96class WholeSpace(Domain):
 97	"""
 98	This class represents the full space $R^d$.
 99	"""
100	def level(self,x):
101		return np.full(x.shape[1:],-np.inf)
103	def intervals(self,x,v):
104		shape = (1,)+x.shape[1:]
105		return np.full(shape,-np.inf),np.full(shape,np.inf)
107class Ball(Domain):
108	"""
109	This class represents a ball shaped domain.
111	__init__ arguments : 
112	- center (optional), array : the center of the ball.
113	- radius (optional), scalar : the radius of the ball.
114	Defaults to defining the unit two-dimensional ball.
115	"""
117	def __init__(self,center=(0.,0.),radius=1.):
118		super(Ball,self).__init__()
119 = ad.asarray(center)
120		self.radius = radius
122	@property
123	def vdim(self): return len(
125	def _centered(self,x):
126		_center = fd.as_field(,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
127		return x-_center
129	def level(self,x):
130		_x = self._centered(x)
131		return ad.Optimization.norm(_x,ord=2,axis=0)-self.radius
133	def intervals(self,x,v):
134		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
135		xc = self._centered(x)
137		begin = np.full(x.shape[1:],np.inf)
138		end = begin.copy()
140		# Solve |x+hv|^2=r^2, which is a quadratic equation a h^2 + 2 b h + c =0
141		a = lp.dot_VV(v,v)
142		b = lp.dot_VV(xc,v)
143		c = lp.dot_VV(xc,xc)-self.radius**2
145		delta = b*b-a*c
147		pos = np.logical_and(a>0,delta>0)
148		a,b,delta = (e[pos] for e in (a,b,delta))
150		sdelta = np.sqrt(delta)
151		begin[pos] = (-b-sdelta)/a
152		end[pos] = (-b+sdelta)/a
154		begin,end = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (begin,end))
155		return begin,end
157class Box(Domain):
158	r"""
159	This class represents a box shaped domain in $R^k$, mathematically defined 
160	as the product
161	$$
162		[a_1,b_1] \times ... \times [a_k,b_k]
163	$$
164	of some intervals. 
167	__init__ argument : 
168	- sides (optional) : [[a1,b1], ..., [ak,bk]] the intervals defining the box.
169	 Defaults to defining the two dimensional unit square.
170	"""
172	def __init__(self,sides = ((0.,1.),(0.,1.)) ):
173		super(Box,self).__init__()
174		sides = ad.asarray(sides)
175		self._sides = sides
176		self._center = sides.sum(axis=1)/2.
177		self._hlen = (sides[:,1]-sides[:,0])/2.
179	@property
180	def sides(self): 
181		"""
182		The intervals $[[a_1,b_1], ..., [a_k,b_k]]$ defining the box.
183		"""
184		return self._sides
186	@property
187	def center(self): 
188		"""
189		The center $[ (a_1+b_1)/2, ..., (a_k+b_k)/2 ]$ of the box.
190		"""
191		return self._center
193	@property
194	def edgelengths(self): 
195		"""
196		The edge lengths $[ b_1-a_1, ..., b_k-a_k ]$ of the box.
197		"""
198		return 2.*self._hlen
199	@property
200	def vdim(self): return len(
202	def _centered(self,x,signs=False):
203		center = fd.as_field(,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
204		xc = x-center
205		axc = np.abs(xc)
206		if not signs: return axc
207		sxc = 2*(xc>=0)-1 # Non-vanishing sign 
208		return axc,sxc
210	def level(self,x):
211		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
212		return (self._centered(x) - hlen).max(axis=0)
214	def intervals(self,x,v):
215		shape = x.shape[1:]
216		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,shape,conditional=False)
217		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,shape,conditional=False)
218		xc,signs = self._centered(x,signs=True)
219		vc = v*signs
221		a=np.full(x.shape,-np.inf)
222		b=np.full(x.shape, np.inf)
224		# Compute the interval corresponding to each axis
225		pos = vc!=0
226		hlen_,xc_,vc_ = (e[pos] for e in (hlen,xc,vc))
228		a[pos] = (-hlen_-xc_)/vc_
229		b[pos] = ( hlen_-xc_)/vc_
231		# Deal with offsets parallel to axes
232		pos = np.logical_and(vc==0.,np.abs(xc)>hlen)
233		a[pos] = np.inf 
235		# Intersect intervals corresponding to different axes
237		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
238		a,b = a.max(axis=0),b.min(axis=0)
239		a,b = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (a,b)) 
241		# Normalize empty intervals
242		pos = a>b
243		a[pos]=np.inf
244		b[pos]=np.inf
245		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
246		return a,b
248class AbsoluteComplement(Domain):
249	r"""
250	This class represents the complement $R^d \setminus \Omega$, in the entire space,
251	 of a given domain $\Omega\subset R^d$.
253	__init__ argument: 
254	- dom : Domain of which to take the complement.
255	"""
256	def __init__(self,dom):
257		super(AbsoluteComplement,self).__init__()
258		self.dom = dom
260	@property
261	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim
262	def contains(self,x):
263		return np.logical_not(self.dom.contains(x))
264	def level(self,x):
265		return -self.dom.level(x)
266	def freeway(self,x,v):
267		return self.dom.freeway(x,v)
268	def intervals(self,x,v):
269		a,b = self.dom.intervals(x,v)
270		inf = np.full((1,)+x.shape[1:],np.inf)
271		return np.concatenate((-inf,b),axis=0),np.concatenate((a,inf),axis=0)
273class Intersection(Domain):
274	"""
275	This class represents an intersection of several subdomains.
277	__init__ arguments : 
278	- *doms : domains to intersect.
279	"""
280	def __init__(self,*doms):
281		super(Intersection,self).__init__()
282		self.doms=doms
284	@property
285	def vdim(self): 
286		vdims=[dom.vdim for dom in self.doms if dom.vdim is not None]
287		if len(vdims)==0: return None
288		vdim = vdims[0]
289		assert vdims.count(vdim)==len(vdims)
290		return vdim
292	def contains(self,x):
293		containss = [dom.contains(x) for dom in self.doms]
294		return reduce(np.logical_and,containss)
296	def level(self,x):
297		levels = [dom.level(x) for dom in self.doms]
298		return reduce(np.maximum,levels)
300	def intervals(self,x,v):
301		intervalss = [dom.intervals(x,v) for dom in self.doms]
302		begs = [a for a,b in intervalss]
303		ends = [b for a,b in intervalss]
305		# Shortcut for the convex case, quite common
306		if all(len(a)==1 for a,b in intervalss):
307			beg = reduce(np.maximum,begs)
308			end = reduce(np.minimum,ends)
309			pos = beg>end
310			beg[pos]=np.inf
311			end[pos]=np.inf
312			return beg,end
314		# General non-convex case
315		shape = x.shape[1:]
317		# Prepare the result
318		begr = []
319		endr = []
320		val = np.full(shape,-np.inf)
321		inds = np.full( (len(self.doms),)+x.shape[1:], 0)
323		def tax(arr,ind,valid):
324			return np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(arr[:,valid],np.expand_dims(ind[valid],axis=0),axis=0),axis=0)
326		counter=0
327		while True:
328			# Find the next beginning
329			unchanged=0
330			for it,(beg,end) in cycle(enumerate(zip(begs,ends))):
331				ind=ad.asarray(inds[it])
332				valid = ind<len(end)
333				pos = np.full(shape,False)
334				endiv = tax(end,ind,valid)
335				pos[valid] = np.logical_and(val[valid]>=endiv,endiv!=np.inf)
337				if pos.any():	
338					unchanged=0
339				else:			
340					unchanged+=1
341					if unchanged>=len(begs):
342						break
344				inds[it,pos]+=1; ind=inds[it] 
345				valid = ind<len(end)
346				val[valid] = np.maximum(val[valid],tax(beg,ind,valid))
347				val[np.logical_not(valid)]=np.inf
349				counter+=1
350				assert(counter<=100)
352			#Exit if nobody's valid
353			if (val==np.inf).all():
354				break
355			begr.append(val)
357			# Find the next end
358			val=np.full(shape,np.inf)
359			for end,ind in zip(ends,inds):
360				valid = ind<len(end)
361				val[valid] = np.minimum(val[valid],tax(end,ind,valid))
363			endr.append(val.copy())
365		return np.asarray(begr),np.asarray(endr)
367def Complement(dom1,dom2):
368	r"""
369	Relative complement $\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2$ of two given domains 
370	$\Omega_1,\Omega_2 \subset R^d$.
371	"""
372	return Intersection(dom1,AbsoluteComplement(dom2))
374def Union(*doms):
375	"""
376	Union of several domains.
377	"""
378	return AbsoluteComplement(Intersection(*[AbsoluteComplement(dom) for dom in doms]))
380class Band(Domain):
381	r"""
382	Defines a banded domain in space, in between two parallel hyperplanes.
383	$$
384		l_b < < x,v> < u_b,
385	$$
386	where $v \in R^d$ is a direction, and $l_b,u_b$ are a lower bound and an upper bound.
388	__init__ arguments : 
389	- direction : array of shape $(d,)$, where $d$ is the ambient space dimension.
390	- bounds : $[l_b, u_b]$, the lower bound and upper bound.
391	"""
393	def __init__(self,direction,bounds):
394		super(Band,self).__init__()
395		self.direction,self.bounds = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (direction,bounds))
396		norm = ad.Optimization.norm(self.direction,ord=2)
397		if norm!=0.:
398			self.direction/=norm
399			self.bounds/=norm
401	@property
402	def vdim(self): return len(self.direction)
404	def _dotdir(self,x):
405		direction = fd.as_field(self.direction,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
406		return lp.dot_VV(x,direction)
408	def level(self,x):
409		xd = self._dotdir(x)
410		return np.maximum(self.bounds[0]-xd,xd-self.bounds[1])
412	def intervals(self,x,v):
413		xd = self._dotdir(x)
414		vd = self._dotdir(v)
415		vd = fd.as_field(vd,xd.shape)
416		a = np.full(xd.shape,-np.inf)
417		b = np.full(xd.shape, np.inf)
419		# Non degenerate case
420		mask = vd!=0
421		xdm,vdm = xd[mask],vd[mask]
422		a[mask] = (self.bounds[0]-xdm)/vdm
423		b[mask] = (self.bounds[1]-xdm)/vdm
424		# Handle the case where vd=0
425		inside = np.logical_and(self.bounds[0]<xd,xd<self.bounds[1])
426		a[np.logical_and(vd==0,np.logical_not(inside))]=np.inf
428		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
429		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
430		return a,b
432def ConvexPolygon(pts):
433	"""
434	Defines a two dimensional *convex* polygonal domain from its vertices.
436	__init__ arguments :
437	- pts : array of shape (2,n). The polygon vertices, given in trigonometric order.
438	"""
439	def params(p,q):
440		pq = q-p
441		direction = np.asarray([pq[1],-pq[0]])
442		lower_bound =,p)
443		return direction,[lower_bound,np.inf]
445	pts = ad.asarray(pts)
446	assert len(pts)==2
447	return Intersection(*[Band(*params(p,q)) for p,q in zip(pts.T,np.roll(pts,1,axis=1).T)])
449class AffineTransform(Domain):
450	"""
451	Defines a domain which is the image of another domain
452	by the affine transformation, 
453	$$
454		x' = A x + b
455	$$
457	Inputs : 
458	- `mult` (optional) : the multiplier $A$, which is either a scalar or a matrix 
459	of shape $(d,d)$. (Defaults to the identity matrix.)
460	- `shift` (optional) : the vector $b$. (Defaults to zero.)
461	- `center` (optional) : reference point for the transformation. (Defaults to zero.)
462	"""
464	def __init__(self,dom,mult=None,shift=None,center=None):
465		super(AffineTransform,self).__init__()
466		self.dom=dom
467		if mult is not None: mult = ad.asarray(mult)
468		self._mult = mult
470		if shift is not None: shift = ad.asarray(shift)
471		if center is not None:
472			center=ad.asarray(center)
473			shift2=center-self.forward(center,linear=True)
474			shift = shift2 if shift is None else shift+shift2
476		self._shift = shift
477		self._mult_inv = (None if mult is None else 
478			(ad.asarray(1./mult) if mult.ndim==0 else np.linalg.inv(mult) ) )
479		self._mult_inv_norm = (1. if self._mult_inv is None 
480			else np.linalg.norm(self._mult_inv,ord=2) )
482	@property
483	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim
485	def forward(self,x,linear=False):
486		"""
487		Forward affine transformation, from the original domain to the transformed one.
488		"""
489		x=x.copy()
490		shape = x.shape[1:]
492		mult = self._mult
493		if mult is None: 	pass
494		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
495		else: x=lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
497		if not linear and self._shift is not None:
498			x+=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
500		return x
502	def reverse(self,x,linear=False):
503		"""
504		Reverse affine transformation, from the transformed domain to the original one.
505		"""
506		x=x.copy()
507		shape = x.shape[1:]
509		shift = self._shift
510		if (shift is None) or linear: 	pass
511		else:	x-=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
513		mult = self._mult_inv
514		if mult is None: 	pass
515		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
516		else: x = lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
518		return x
520	def contains(self,x):
521		return self.dom.contains(self.reverse(x))
522	def level(self,x):
523		return self.dom.level(self.reverse(x))/self._mult_inv_norm
524	def intervals(self,x,v):
525		return self.dom.intervals(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))
526	def freeway(self,x,v):
527		return self.dom.freeway(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))
529class Dirichlet:
530	"""
531	Implements Dirichlet boundary conditions.
532	When computing finite differences, values queried outside the domain interior
533	are replaced with values obtained on the boundary along the given direction.
535	__init__ arguments :
536	- domain: geometrical description of the domain 
537	- value: a scalar or map yielding the value of the boundary conditions
538	- grid: the cartesian grid. Ex: np.array(np.meshgrid(aX,aY,indexing='ij')) for suitable aX,aY
540	- interior (optional): the points regarded as interior to the domain. 
541	- interior_radius (optional): sets
542		interior = domain.contains_ball(interior_radius)
544	- grid_values (optional): placeholder values to be used on the grid.
545		Either an array of values, or a function
547	member fields : 
548	- interior : mask for the discretization grid points inside the domain.
549	"""
551	def __init__(self,domain,value,grid,
552		interior_radius=None,interior=None,grid_values=0.):
553		self.domain = domain
555		if isinstance(value,float):
556			self.value = lambda x:value
557		else:
558			self.value = value
560		self.grid = ad.asarray(grid)
561		self.gridscale = self._gridscale(self.grid)
563		if interior is not None:
564			self.interior = interior
565		else:
566			if interior_radius is None:
567#				interior_radius = 0.5 * self.gridscale
568				# Tiny value, for numerical stability. Ideally 0.
569				interior_radius = self.gridscale * 1e-8 
570			self.interior = self.domain.contains_ball(self.grid,interior_radius)
572		if isinstance(grid_values,float) or ad.isndarray(grid_values):
573			self.grid_values = grid_values
574		else:
575			self.grid_values = grid_values(self.grid)
578	@staticmethod
579	def _gridscale(grid):
580		dim = len(grid)
581		assert(grid.ndim==1+dim)
582		x0 = grid.__getitem__((slice(None),)+(0,)*dim)
583		x1 = grid.__getitem__((slice(None),)+(1,)*dim)
584		delta = np.abs(x1-x0)
585		hmin,hmax = np.min(delta),np.max(delta)
586		if hmax>=hmin*(1+1e-8):
587			raise ValueError("Error : gridscale is axis dependent")
588		return hmax
590	@property 
591	def shape(self): 
592		"""
593		The shape of the domain (discretization grid).
594		"""
595		return self.grid.shape[1:]
597	@property
598	def vdim(self): 
599		"""
600		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
601		"""
602		return len(self.grid)	
603	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
604		"""
605		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
606		so that the shape ends with the domain shape. 
607		"""
608		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)
610	@property
611	def not_interior(self): 
612		"""
613		Mask for the grid points outside the domain.
614		"""
615		return np.logical_not(self.interior)
617	@property
618	def Mock(self):
619		"""
620		Returns mock Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by evaluating 
621		the boundary condition outside the interior.
622		"""
623		bc_values = np.full(self.grid.shape[1:],np.nan)
624		bc_values[self.not_interior] = self.value(self.grid[:,self.not_interior])
625		return MockDirichlet(bc_values,self.gridscale)
627	@property
628	def _ExteriorNaNs(self):
629		result = np.zeros(self.grid.shape[1:])
630		result[self.not_interior]=np.nan
631		return result
633	def _BoundaryLayer(self,u,du):
634		"""
635		Returns positions at which u is defined but du is not.
636		"""
637		return np.logical_and.reduce([
638			np.isnan(du),
639			np.broadcast_to(self.interior,du.shape),
640			np.broadcast_to(np.logical_not(np.isnan(u)),du.shape)
641			])
643	def _DiffUpwindDirichlet(self,u,offsets,grid,reth):
644		"""
645		Returns first order finite differences w.r.t. boundary value.
646		"""
647		h = self.domain.freeway(grid,offsets)
648		x = grid+h*offsets
650		if np.any(np.isnan(x)):
651			bad = np.isnan(x.sum(axis=0))
652			print("bad",grid[:,bad],offsets[:,bad],h[bad],x[:,bad])
654		xvalues = self.value(x)
655		result = (xvalues-u)/h
656		return (result,h) if reth else result
660	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,reth=False):
661		"""
662		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
663		Uses boundary values when needed.
664		Input : 
665		- u : array with the domain shape.
666		- offsets :  array of integers, with shape 
667		(vdim, n1,...,nk) or (vdim, n1,...,nk, shape) 
668		where vdim,shape is the ambient space dimension and domain shape, 
669		and n1,...,nk are arbitrary.
670		- reth (optional) : wether to return the grid scale used (differs from the 
671		grid scale on the neighborhood of the boundary).
672		"""
673		assert(isinstance(reth,bool))
674		grid=self.grid
675		du = fd.DiffUpwind(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
676		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
677		offsets = fd.as_field(np.asarray(offsets),u.shape)
678		um = np.broadcast_to(u,offsets.shape[1:])[mask]
679		om = offsets[:,mask]
680		gm = np.broadcast_to(grid.reshape( 
681			(len(grid),)+(1,)*(offsets.ndim-grid.ndim)+u.shape),offsets.shape)[:,mask]
682#		um,om,gm = u[mask], offsets[:,mask], grid[:,mask]
683		if not reth: 
684			du[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
685			return du
686		else: 
687			hr = np.full(offsets.shape[1:],self.gridscale)
688			du[mask],hr[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
689			return du,hr
691	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets):
692		"""
693		Centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction, 
694		computed using the second order accurate centered scheme.
695		Falls back to upwind finite differences close to the boundary.
696		"""
697		du = fd.DiffCentered(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
698		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
699		du1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,offsets)
700		du[mask]=du1[mask]
701		#du[mask] = self.DiffUpwind(u[mask],offsets[:,mask],h,grid[:,mask])
702		return du
706	def Diff2(self,u,offsets):
707		"""
708		Second order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction.
709		Second order accurate in the interior, 
710		but only first order accurate at the boundary.
711		"""
712		du0,h0 = self.DiffUpwind(u, offsets,		  reth=True)
713		du1,h1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,-np.asarray(offsets),reth=True)
715		return (du0+du1)*(2./(h0+h1))
717class MockDirichlet:
718	"""
719	Implements a crude version of Dirichlet boundary conditions, 
720	where the boundary conditions are given on the full domain complement.
722	(No geometrical computations involved.)
724	__init__ arguments : 
725	- grid_values : the Dirichlet boundary conditions. 
726	 Please set to np.nan the values interior to domain.
727	- gridscale : the discretization grid scale.
728	- padding : the padding values to be used outside the discretization grid.
729	"""
731	def __init__(self,grid_values,gridscale,padding=np.nan):
732		if isinstance(grid_values,tuple):
733			grid_values = np.full(grid_values,np.nan)
734		self.grid_values=grid_values
735		self.gridscale=gridscale
736		self.padding = padding
738	@property
739	def interior(self): 
740		"""
741		The discretization grid points inside the domain.
742		"""
743		return np.isnan(self.grid_values)
744	@property
745	def not_interior(self): 
746		"""
747		The discretization grid points outside the domain.
748		"""
749		return np.logical_not(self.interior)
751	@property
752	def vdim(self): 
753		"""
754		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
755		"""
756		return self.grid_values.ndim	
758	@property
759	def shape(self): 
760		"""
761		The shape of the domain discretization grid.
762		"""
763		return self.grid_values.shape
765	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
766		"""
767		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
768		so that the shape ends with the discretization grid shape. 
769		"""
770		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)
772	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,**kwargs): 
773		"""
774		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
775		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
776		"""
777		return fd.DiffUpwind(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding,**kwargs)
779	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets): 
780		"""
781		First order centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
782		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
783		"""
784		return fd.DiffCentered(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding)
786	def Diff2(self,u,offsets,*args): 
787		"""
788		Second order order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
789		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
790		"""
791		return fd.Diff2(u,offsets,self.gridscale,*args,padding=self.padding)
class Domain:
18class Domain:
19	"""
20	This class represents a domain from which one can query 
21	a level set function, the boundary distance in a given direction,
22	and some related methods.
23	"""
25	def __init__(self):
26		pass
28	def level(self,x):
29		"""
30		A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside.
31		Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.
32		"""
33		raise ValueError("""Domain level set function must be specialized""")
35	def contains(self,x):
36		"""
37		Wether x lies inside the domain.
38		"""
39		return self.level(x)<0
41	def intervals(self,x,v):
42		r"""
43		A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, 
44		$$
45			] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [
46		$$
47		such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.
48		"""
49		raise ValueError("""Domain intervals function must be specialized""")
51	def freeway(self,x,v):
52		r"""
53		Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.
54		"""
55		a,b = self.intervals(x,v)
56		a[a<0]=np.inf
57		b[b<0]=np.inf
58		return np.minimum(a.min(axis=0),b.min(axis=0))
60	def contains_ball(self,x,h,ball_pattern=None):
61		"""
62		Wether the domain contains the ball of center $x$ and radius $h$.
63		Approximate predicate based on sampling, using ball_pattern.
64		"""
65		if h==0.: 	return self.contains(x)
66		if h<0.:	return AbsoluteComplement(self).contains_ball(x,-h)
67		level = self.level(x)
68		inside = level<0
70		# Fix boundary layer
71		mask = np.logical_and(inside,level>-h) # Recall level is 1-Lipschitz
72		xm=x[:,mask]
73		if ball_pattern is None: ball_pattern = self.ball_pattern()
74		ball_pattern = fd.as_field(ball_pattern,xm.shape[1:],conditional=False)
75		xb = np.expand_dims(xm,axis=1)+h*ball_pattern
76		inside[mask] = np.all(self.contains(xb),axis=0)
77		return inside
79	def ball_pattern(self,vdim=None,r=1):
80		"""
81		Produces a sampling pattern in a ball, to be used in the contains_ball predicate.
82		"""
83		if vdim is None: vdim = self.vdim
84		if vdim is None: raise ValueError("Unspecified dimension")
85		aX = list(range(-r,r+1))
86		X = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*(aX,)*vdim,indexing='ij')).reshape(vdim,-1)
87		nX = np.sqrt((X**2).sum(axis=0))
88		pos = nX>0
89		return X[:,pos]/nX[pos]	
91	@property
92	def vdim(self):
93		"""Dimension of the embedding space"""
94		return None

This class represents a domain from which one can query a level set function, the boundary distance in a given direction, and some related methods.

def level(self, x):
28	def level(self,x):
29		"""
30		A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside.
31		Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.
32		"""
33		raise ValueError("""Domain level set function must be specialized""")

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def contains(self, x):
35	def contains(self,x):
36		"""
37		Wether x lies inside the domain.
38		"""
39		return self.level(x)<0

Wether x lies inside the domain.

def intervals(self, x, v):
41	def intervals(self,x,v):
42		r"""
43		A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, 
44		$$
45			] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [
46		$$
47		such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.
48		"""
49		raise ValueError("""Domain intervals function must be specialized""")

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

def freeway(self, x, v):
51	def freeway(self,x,v):
52		r"""
53		Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.
54		"""
55		a,b = self.intervals(x,v)
56		a[a<0]=np.inf
57		b[b<0]=np.inf
58		return np.minimum(a.min(axis=0),b.min(axis=0))

Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.

def contains_ball(self, x, h, ball_pattern=None):
60	def contains_ball(self,x,h,ball_pattern=None):
61		"""
62		Wether the domain contains the ball of center $x$ and radius $h$.
63		Approximate predicate based on sampling, using ball_pattern.
64		"""
65		if h==0.: 	return self.contains(x)
66		if h<0.:	return AbsoluteComplement(self).contains_ball(x,-h)
67		level = self.level(x)
68		inside = level<0
70		# Fix boundary layer
71		mask = np.logical_and(inside,level>-h) # Recall level is 1-Lipschitz
72		xm=x[:,mask]
73		if ball_pattern is None: ball_pattern = self.ball_pattern()
74		ball_pattern = fd.as_field(ball_pattern,xm.shape[1:],conditional=False)
75		xb = np.expand_dims(xm,axis=1)+h*ball_pattern
76		inside[mask] = np.all(self.contains(xb),axis=0)
77		return inside

Wether the domain contains the ball of center $x$ and radius $h$. Approximate predicate based on sampling, using ball_pattern.

def ball_pattern(self, vdim=None, r=1):
79	def ball_pattern(self,vdim=None,r=1):
80		"""
81		Produces a sampling pattern in a ball, to be used in the contains_ball predicate.
82		"""
83		if vdim is None: vdim = self.vdim
84		if vdim is None: raise ValueError("Unspecified dimension")
85		aX = list(range(-r,r+1))
86		X = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*(aX,)*vdim,indexing='ij')).reshape(vdim,-1)
87		nX = np.sqrt((X**2).sum(axis=0))
88		pos = nX>0
89		return X[:,pos]/nX[pos]	

Produces a sampling pattern in a ball, to be used in the contains_ball predicate.

91	@property
92	def vdim(self):
93		"""Dimension of the embedding space"""
94		return None

Dimension of the embedding space

class WholeSpace(Domain):
 97class WholeSpace(Domain):
 98	"""
 99	This class represents the full space $R^d$.
100	"""
101	def level(self,x):
102		return np.full(x.shape[1:],-np.inf)
104	def intervals(self,x,v):
105		shape = (1,)+x.shape[1:]
106		return np.full(shape,-np.inf),np.full(shape,np.inf)

This class represents the full space $R^d$.

def level(self, x):
101	def level(self,x):
102		return np.full(x.shape[1:],-np.inf)

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
104	def intervals(self,x,v):
105		shape = (1,)+x.shape[1:]
106		return np.full(shape,-np.inf),np.full(shape,np.inf)

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

class Ball(Domain):
108class Ball(Domain):
109	"""
110	This class represents a ball shaped domain.
112	__init__ arguments : 
113	- center (optional), array : the center of the ball.
114	- radius (optional), scalar : the radius of the ball.
115	Defaults to defining the unit two-dimensional ball.
116	"""
118	def __init__(self,center=(0.,0.),radius=1.):
119		super(Ball,self).__init__()
120 = ad.asarray(center)
121		self.radius = radius
123	@property
124	def vdim(self): return len(
126	def _centered(self,x):
127		_center = fd.as_field(,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
128		return x-_center
130	def level(self,x):
131		_x = self._centered(x)
132		return ad.Optimization.norm(_x,ord=2,axis=0)-self.radius
134	def intervals(self,x,v):
135		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
136		xc = self._centered(x)
138		begin = np.full(x.shape[1:],np.inf)
139		end = begin.copy()
141		# Solve |x+hv|^2=r^2, which is a quadratic equation a h^2 + 2 b h + c =0
142		a = lp.dot_VV(v,v)
143		b = lp.dot_VV(xc,v)
144		c = lp.dot_VV(xc,xc)-self.radius**2
146		delta = b*b-a*c
148		pos = np.logical_and(a>0,delta>0)
149		a,b,delta = (e[pos] for e in (a,b,delta))
151		sdelta = np.sqrt(delta)
152		begin[pos] = (-b-sdelta)/a
153		end[pos] = (-b+sdelta)/a
155		begin,end = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (begin,end))
156		return begin,end

This class represents a ball shaped domain.

__init__ arguments :

  • center (optional), array : the center of the ball.
  • radius (optional), scalar : the radius of the ball. Defaults to defining the unit two-dimensional ball.
Ball(center=(0.0, 0.0), radius=1.0)
118	def __init__(self,center=(0.,0.),radius=1.):
119		super(Ball,self).__init__()
120 = ad.asarray(center)
121		self.radius = radius
123	@property
124	def vdim(self): return len(

Dimension of the embedding space

def level(self, x):
130	def level(self,x):
131		_x = self._centered(x)
132		return ad.Optimization.norm(_x,ord=2,axis=0)-self.radius

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
134	def intervals(self,x,v):
135		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
136		xc = self._centered(x)
138		begin = np.full(x.shape[1:],np.inf)
139		end = begin.copy()
141		# Solve |x+hv|^2=r^2, which is a quadratic equation a h^2 + 2 b h + c =0
142		a = lp.dot_VV(v,v)
143		b = lp.dot_VV(xc,v)
144		c = lp.dot_VV(xc,xc)-self.radius**2
146		delta = b*b-a*c
148		pos = np.logical_and(a>0,delta>0)
149		a,b,delta = (e[pos] for e in (a,b,delta))
151		sdelta = np.sqrt(delta)
152		begin[pos] = (-b-sdelta)/a
153		end[pos] = (-b+sdelta)/a
155		begin,end = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (begin,end))
156		return begin,end

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

class Box(Domain):
158class Box(Domain):
159	r"""
160	This class represents a box shaped domain in $R^k$, mathematically defined 
161	as the product
162	$$
163		[a_1,b_1] \times ... \times [a_k,b_k]
164	$$
165	of some intervals. 
168	__init__ argument : 
169	- sides (optional) : [[a1,b1], ..., [ak,bk]] the intervals defining the box.
170	 Defaults to defining the two dimensional unit square.
171	"""
173	def __init__(self,sides = ((0.,1.),(0.,1.)) ):
174		super(Box,self).__init__()
175		sides = ad.asarray(sides)
176		self._sides = sides
177		self._center = sides.sum(axis=1)/2.
178		self._hlen = (sides[:,1]-sides[:,0])/2.
180	@property
181	def sides(self): 
182		"""
183		The intervals $[[a_1,b_1], ..., [a_k,b_k]]$ defining the box.
184		"""
185		return self._sides
187	@property
188	def center(self): 
189		"""
190		The center $[ (a_1+b_1)/2, ..., (a_k+b_k)/2 ]$ of the box.
191		"""
192		return self._center
194	@property
195	def edgelengths(self): 
196		"""
197		The edge lengths $[ b_1-a_1, ..., b_k-a_k ]$ of the box.
198		"""
199		return 2.*self._hlen
200	@property
201	def vdim(self): return len(
203	def _centered(self,x,signs=False):
204		center = fd.as_field(,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
205		xc = x-center
206		axc = np.abs(xc)
207		if not signs: return axc
208		sxc = 2*(xc>=0)-1 # Non-vanishing sign 
209		return axc,sxc
211	def level(self,x):
212		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
213		return (self._centered(x) - hlen).max(axis=0)
215	def intervals(self,x,v):
216		shape = x.shape[1:]
217		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,shape,conditional=False)
218		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,shape,conditional=False)
219		xc,signs = self._centered(x,signs=True)
220		vc = v*signs
222		a=np.full(x.shape,-np.inf)
223		b=np.full(x.shape, np.inf)
225		# Compute the interval corresponding to each axis
226		pos = vc!=0
227		hlen_,xc_,vc_ = (e[pos] for e in (hlen,xc,vc))
229		a[pos] = (-hlen_-xc_)/vc_
230		b[pos] = ( hlen_-xc_)/vc_
232		# Deal with offsets parallel to axes
233		pos = np.logical_and(vc==0.,np.abs(xc)>hlen)
234		a[pos] = np.inf 
236		# Intersect intervals corresponding to different axes
238		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
239		a,b = a.max(axis=0),b.min(axis=0)
240		a,b = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (a,b)) 
242		# Normalize empty intervals
243		pos = a>b
244		a[pos]=np.inf
245		b[pos]=np.inf
246		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
247		return a,b

This class represents a box shaped domain in $R^k$, mathematically defined as the product $$ [a_1,b_1] \times ... \times [a_k,b_k] $$ of some intervals.

__init__ argument :

  • sides (optional) : [[a1,b1], ..., [ak,bk]] the intervals defining the box. Defaults to defining the two dimensional unit square.
Box(sides=((0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)))
173	def __init__(self,sides = ((0.,1.),(0.,1.)) ):
174		super(Box,self).__init__()
175		sides = ad.asarray(sides)
176		self._sides = sides
177		self._center = sides.sum(axis=1)/2.
178		self._hlen = (sides[:,1]-sides[:,0])/2.
180	@property
181	def sides(self): 
182		"""
183		The intervals $[[a_1,b_1], ..., [a_k,b_k]]$ defining the box.
184		"""
185		return self._sides

The intervals $[[a_1,b_1], ..., [a_k,b_k]]$ defining the box.

187	@property
188	def center(self): 
189		"""
190		The center $[ (a_1+b_1)/2, ..., (a_k+b_k)/2 ]$ of the box.
191		"""
192		return self._center

The center $[ (a_1+b_1)/2, ..., (a_k+b_k)/2 ]$ of the box.

194	@property
195	def edgelengths(self): 
196		"""
197		The edge lengths $[ b_1-a_1, ..., b_k-a_k ]$ of the box.
198		"""
199		return 2.*self._hlen

The edge lengths $[ b_1-a_1, ..., b_k-a_k ]$ of the box.

200	@property
201	def vdim(self): return len(

Dimension of the embedding space

def level(self, x):
211	def level(self,x):
212		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
213		return (self._centered(x) - hlen).max(axis=0)

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
215	def intervals(self,x,v):
216		shape = x.shape[1:]
217		if v.shape!=x.shape: v=fd.as_field(v,shape,conditional=False)
218		hlen = fd.as_field(self._hlen,shape,conditional=False)
219		xc,signs = self._centered(x,signs=True)
220		vc = v*signs
222		a=np.full(x.shape,-np.inf)
223		b=np.full(x.shape, np.inf)
225		# Compute the interval corresponding to each axis
226		pos = vc!=0
227		hlen_,xc_,vc_ = (e[pos] for e in (hlen,xc,vc))
229		a[pos] = (-hlen_-xc_)/vc_
230		b[pos] = ( hlen_-xc_)/vc_
232		# Deal with offsets parallel to axes
233		pos = np.logical_and(vc==0.,np.abs(xc)>hlen)
234		a[pos] = np.inf 
236		# Intersect intervals corresponding to different axes
238		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
239		a,b = a.max(axis=0),b.min(axis=0)
240		a,b = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (a,b)) 
242		# Normalize empty intervals
243		pos = a>b
244		a[pos]=np.inf
245		b[pos]=np.inf
246		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
247		return a,b

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

class AbsoluteComplement(Domain):
249class AbsoluteComplement(Domain):
250	r"""
251	This class represents the complement $R^d \setminus \Omega$, in the entire space,
252	 of a given domain $\Omega\subset R^d$.
254	__init__ argument: 
255	- dom : Domain of which to take the complement.
256	"""
257	def __init__(self,dom):
258		super(AbsoluteComplement,self).__init__()
259		self.dom = dom
261	@property
262	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim
263	def contains(self,x):
264		return np.logical_not(self.dom.contains(x))
265	def level(self,x):
266		return -self.dom.level(x)
267	def freeway(self,x,v):
268		return self.dom.freeway(x,v)
269	def intervals(self,x,v):
270		a,b = self.dom.intervals(x,v)
271		inf = np.full((1,)+x.shape[1:],np.inf)
272		return np.concatenate((-inf,b),axis=0),np.concatenate((a,inf),axis=0)

This class represents the complement $R^d \setminus \Omega$, in the entire space, of a given domain $\Omega\subset R^d$.

__init__ argument:

  • dom : Domain of which to take the complement.
257	def __init__(self,dom):
258		super(AbsoluteComplement,self).__init__()
259		self.dom = dom
261	@property
262	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim

Dimension of the embedding space

def contains(self, x):
263	def contains(self,x):
264		return np.logical_not(self.dom.contains(x))

Wether x lies inside the domain.

def level(self, x):
265	def level(self,x):
266		return -self.dom.level(x)

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def freeway(self, x, v):
267	def freeway(self,x,v):
268		return self.dom.freeway(x,v)

Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.

def intervals(self, x, v):
269	def intervals(self,x,v):
270		a,b = self.dom.intervals(x,v)
271		inf = np.full((1,)+x.shape[1:],np.inf)
272		return np.concatenate((-inf,b),axis=0),np.concatenate((a,inf),axis=0)

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

Inherited Members
class Intersection(Domain):
274class Intersection(Domain):
275	"""
276	This class represents an intersection of several subdomains.
278	__init__ arguments : 
279	- *doms : domains to intersect.
280	"""
281	def __init__(self,*doms):
282		super(Intersection,self).__init__()
283		self.doms=doms
285	@property
286	def vdim(self): 
287		vdims=[dom.vdim for dom in self.doms if dom.vdim is not None]
288		if len(vdims)==0: return None
289		vdim = vdims[0]
290		assert vdims.count(vdim)==len(vdims)
291		return vdim
293	def contains(self,x):
294		containss = [dom.contains(x) for dom in self.doms]
295		return reduce(np.logical_and,containss)
297	def level(self,x):
298		levels = [dom.level(x) for dom in self.doms]
299		return reduce(np.maximum,levels)
301	def intervals(self,x,v):
302		intervalss = [dom.intervals(x,v) for dom in self.doms]
303		begs = [a for a,b in intervalss]
304		ends = [b for a,b in intervalss]
306		# Shortcut for the convex case, quite common
307		if all(len(a)==1 for a,b in intervalss):
308			beg = reduce(np.maximum,begs)
309			end = reduce(np.minimum,ends)
310			pos = beg>end
311			beg[pos]=np.inf
312			end[pos]=np.inf
313			return beg,end
315		# General non-convex case
316		shape = x.shape[1:]
318		# Prepare the result
319		begr = []
320		endr = []
321		val = np.full(shape,-np.inf)
322		inds = np.full( (len(self.doms),)+x.shape[1:], 0)
324		def tax(arr,ind,valid):
325			return np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(arr[:,valid],np.expand_dims(ind[valid],axis=0),axis=0),axis=0)
327		counter=0
328		while True:
329			# Find the next beginning
330			unchanged=0
331			for it,(beg,end) in cycle(enumerate(zip(begs,ends))):
332				ind=ad.asarray(inds[it])
333				valid = ind<len(end)
334				pos = np.full(shape,False)
335				endiv = tax(end,ind,valid)
336				pos[valid] = np.logical_and(val[valid]>=endiv,endiv!=np.inf)
338				if pos.any():	
339					unchanged=0
340				else:			
341					unchanged+=1
342					if unchanged>=len(begs):
343						break
345				inds[it,pos]+=1; ind=inds[it] 
346				valid = ind<len(end)
347				val[valid] = np.maximum(val[valid],tax(beg,ind,valid))
348				val[np.logical_not(valid)]=np.inf
350				counter+=1
351				assert(counter<=100)
353			#Exit if nobody's valid
354			if (val==np.inf).all():
355				break
356			begr.append(val)
358			# Find the next end
359			val=np.full(shape,np.inf)
360			for end,ind in zip(ends,inds):
361				valid = ind<len(end)
362				val[valid] = np.minimum(val[valid],tax(end,ind,valid))
364			endr.append(val.copy())
366		return np.asarray(begr),np.asarray(endr)

This class represents an intersection of several subdomains.

__init__ arguments :

  • *doms : domains to intersect.
281	def __init__(self,*doms):
282		super(Intersection,self).__init__()
283		self.doms=doms
285	@property
286	def vdim(self): 
287		vdims=[dom.vdim for dom in self.doms if dom.vdim is not None]
288		if len(vdims)==0: return None
289		vdim = vdims[0]
290		assert vdims.count(vdim)==len(vdims)
291		return vdim

Dimension of the embedding space

def contains(self, x):
293	def contains(self,x):
294		containss = [dom.contains(x) for dom in self.doms]
295		return reduce(np.logical_and,containss)

Wether x lies inside the domain.

def level(self, x):
297	def level(self,x):
298		levels = [dom.level(x) for dom in self.doms]
299		return reduce(np.maximum,levels)

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
301	def intervals(self,x,v):
302		intervalss = [dom.intervals(x,v) for dom in self.doms]
303		begs = [a for a,b in intervalss]
304		ends = [b for a,b in intervalss]
306		# Shortcut for the convex case, quite common
307		if all(len(a)==1 for a,b in intervalss):
308			beg = reduce(np.maximum,begs)
309			end = reduce(np.minimum,ends)
310			pos = beg>end
311			beg[pos]=np.inf
312			end[pos]=np.inf
313			return beg,end
315		# General non-convex case
316		shape = x.shape[1:]
318		# Prepare the result
319		begr = []
320		endr = []
321		val = np.full(shape,-np.inf)
322		inds = np.full( (len(self.doms),)+x.shape[1:], 0)
324		def tax(arr,ind,valid):
325			return np.squeeze(np.take_along_axis(arr[:,valid],np.expand_dims(ind[valid],axis=0),axis=0),axis=0)
327		counter=0
328		while True:
329			# Find the next beginning
330			unchanged=0
331			for it,(beg,end) in cycle(enumerate(zip(begs,ends))):
332				ind=ad.asarray(inds[it])
333				valid = ind<len(end)
334				pos = np.full(shape,False)
335				endiv = tax(end,ind,valid)
336				pos[valid] = np.logical_and(val[valid]>=endiv,endiv!=np.inf)
338				if pos.any():	
339					unchanged=0
340				else:			
341					unchanged+=1
342					if unchanged>=len(begs):
343						break
345				inds[it,pos]+=1; ind=inds[it] 
346				valid = ind<len(end)
347				val[valid] = np.maximum(val[valid],tax(beg,ind,valid))
348				val[np.logical_not(valid)]=np.inf
350				counter+=1
351				assert(counter<=100)
353			#Exit if nobody's valid
354			if (val==np.inf).all():
355				break
356			begr.append(val)
358			# Find the next end
359			val=np.full(shape,np.inf)
360			for end,ind in zip(ends,inds):
361				valid = ind<len(end)
362				val[valid] = np.minimum(val[valid],tax(end,ind,valid))
364			endr.append(val.copy())
366		return np.asarray(begr),np.asarray(endr)

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

def Complement(dom1, dom2):
368def Complement(dom1,dom2):
369	r"""
370	Relative complement $\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2$ of two given domains 
371	$\Omega_1,\Omega_2 \subset R^d$.
372	"""
373	return Intersection(dom1,AbsoluteComplement(dom2))

Relative complement $\Omega_1 \setminus \Omega_2$ of two given domains $\Omega_1,\Omega_2 \subset R^d$.

def Union(*doms):
375def Union(*doms):
376	"""
377	Union of several domains.
378	"""
379	return AbsoluteComplement(Intersection(*[AbsoluteComplement(dom) for dom in doms]))

Union of several domains.

class Band(Domain):
381class Band(Domain):
382	r"""
383	Defines a banded domain in space, in between two parallel hyperplanes.
384	$$
385		l_b < < x,v> < u_b,
386	$$
387	where $v \in R^d$ is a direction, and $l_b,u_b$ are a lower bound and an upper bound.
389	__init__ arguments : 
390	- direction : array of shape $(d,)$, where $d$ is the ambient space dimension.
391	- bounds : $[l_b, u_b]$, the lower bound and upper bound.
392	"""
394	def __init__(self,direction,bounds):
395		super(Band,self).__init__()
396		self.direction,self.bounds = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (direction,bounds))
397		norm = ad.Optimization.norm(self.direction,ord=2)
398		if norm!=0.:
399			self.direction/=norm
400			self.bounds/=norm
402	@property
403	def vdim(self): return len(self.direction)
405	def _dotdir(self,x):
406		direction = fd.as_field(self.direction,x.shape[1:],conditional=False)
407		return lp.dot_VV(x,direction)
409	def level(self,x):
410		xd = self._dotdir(x)
411		return np.maximum(self.bounds[0]-xd,xd-self.bounds[1])
413	def intervals(self,x,v):
414		xd = self._dotdir(x)
415		vd = self._dotdir(v)
416		vd = fd.as_field(vd,xd.shape)
417		a = np.full(xd.shape,-np.inf)
418		b = np.full(xd.shape, np.inf)
420		# Non degenerate case
421		mask = vd!=0
422		xdm,vdm = xd[mask],vd[mask]
423		a[mask] = (self.bounds[0]-xdm)/vdm
424		b[mask] = (self.bounds[1]-xdm)/vdm
425		# Handle the case where vd=0
426		inside = np.logical_and(self.bounds[0]<xd,xd<self.bounds[1])
427		a[np.logical_and(vd==0,np.logical_not(inside))]=np.inf
429		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
430		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
431		return a,b

Defines a banded domain in space, in between two parallel hyperplanes. $$ l_b < < x,v> < u_b, $$ where $v \in R^d$ is a direction, and $l_b,u_b$ are a lower bound and an upper bound.

__init__ arguments :

  • direction : array of shape $(d,)$, where $d$ is the ambient space dimension.
  • bounds : $[l_b, u_b]$, the lower bound and upper bound.
Band(direction, bounds)
394	def __init__(self,direction,bounds):
395		super(Band,self).__init__()
396		self.direction,self.bounds = (ad.asarray(e) for e in (direction,bounds))
397		norm = ad.Optimization.norm(self.direction,ord=2)
398		if norm!=0.:
399			self.direction/=norm
400			self.bounds/=norm
402	@property
403	def vdim(self): return len(self.direction)

Dimension of the embedding space

def level(self, x):
409	def level(self,x):
410		xd = self._dotdir(x)
411		return np.maximum(self.bounds[0]-xd,xd-self.bounds[1])

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
413	def intervals(self,x,v):
414		xd = self._dotdir(x)
415		vd = self._dotdir(v)
416		vd = fd.as_field(vd,xd.shape)
417		a = np.full(xd.shape,-np.inf)
418		b = np.full(xd.shape, np.inf)
420		# Non degenerate case
421		mask = vd!=0
422		xdm,vdm = xd[mask],vd[mask]
423		a[mask] = (self.bounds[0]-xdm)/vdm
424		b[mask] = (self.bounds[1]-xdm)/vdm
425		# Handle the case where vd=0
426		inside = np.logical_and(self.bounds[0]<xd,xd<self.bounds[1])
427		a[np.logical_and(vd==0,np.logical_not(inside))]=np.inf
429		a,b = np.minimum(a,b),np.maximum(a,b)
430		a,b = (np.expand_dims(e,axis=0) for e in (a,b))
431		return a,b

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

def ConvexPolygon(pts):
433def ConvexPolygon(pts):
434	"""
435	Defines a two dimensional *convex* polygonal domain from its vertices.
437	__init__ arguments :
438	- pts : array of shape (2,n). The polygon vertices, given in trigonometric order.
439	"""
440	def params(p,q):
441		pq = q-p
442		direction = np.asarray([pq[1],-pq[0]])
443		lower_bound =,p)
444		return direction,[lower_bound,np.inf]
446	pts = ad.asarray(pts)
447	assert len(pts)==2
448	return Intersection(*[Band(*params(p,q)) for p,q in zip(pts.T,np.roll(pts,1,axis=1).T)])

Defines a two dimensional convex polygonal domain from its vertices.

__init__ arguments :

  • pts : array of shape (2,n). The polygon vertices, given in trigonometric order.
class AffineTransform(Domain):
450class AffineTransform(Domain):
451	"""
452	Defines a domain which is the image of another domain
453	by the affine transformation, 
454	$$
455		x' = A x + b
456	$$
458	Inputs : 
459	- `mult` (optional) : the multiplier $A$, which is either a scalar or a matrix 
460	of shape $(d,d)$. (Defaults to the identity matrix.)
461	- `shift` (optional) : the vector $b$. (Defaults to zero.)
462	- `center` (optional) : reference point for the transformation. (Defaults to zero.)
463	"""
465	def __init__(self,dom,mult=None,shift=None,center=None):
466		super(AffineTransform,self).__init__()
467		self.dom=dom
468		if mult is not None: mult = ad.asarray(mult)
469		self._mult = mult
471		if shift is not None: shift = ad.asarray(shift)
472		if center is not None:
473			center=ad.asarray(center)
474			shift2=center-self.forward(center,linear=True)
475			shift = shift2 if shift is None else shift+shift2
477		self._shift = shift
478		self._mult_inv = (None if mult is None else 
479			(ad.asarray(1./mult) if mult.ndim==0 else np.linalg.inv(mult) ) )
480		self._mult_inv_norm = (1. if self._mult_inv is None 
481			else np.linalg.norm(self._mult_inv,ord=2) )
483	@property
484	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim
486	def forward(self,x,linear=False):
487		"""
488		Forward affine transformation, from the original domain to the transformed one.
489		"""
490		x=x.copy()
491		shape = x.shape[1:]
493		mult = self._mult
494		if mult is None: 	pass
495		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
496		else: x=lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
498		if not linear and self._shift is not None:
499			x+=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
501		return x
503	def reverse(self,x,linear=False):
504		"""
505		Reverse affine transformation, from the transformed domain to the original one.
506		"""
507		x=x.copy()
508		shape = x.shape[1:]
510		shift = self._shift
511		if (shift is None) or linear: 	pass
512		else:	x-=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
514		mult = self._mult_inv
515		if mult is None: 	pass
516		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
517		else: x = lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
519		return x
521	def contains(self,x):
522		return self.dom.contains(self.reverse(x))
523	def level(self,x):
524		return self.dom.level(self.reverse(x))/self._mult_inv_norm
525	def intervals(self,x,v):
526		return self.dom.intervals(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))
527	def freeway(self,x,v):
528		return self.dom.freeway(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))

Defines a domain which is the image of another domain by the affine transformation, $$ x' = A x + b $$

Inputs :

  • mult (optional) : the multiplier $A$, which is either a scalar or a matrix of shape $(d,d)$. (Defaults to the identity matrix.)
  • shift (optional) : the vector $b$. (Defaults to zero.)
  • center (optional) : reference point for the transformation. (Defaults to zero.)
AffineTransform(dom, mult=None, shift=None, center=None)
465	def __init__(self,dom,mult=None,shift=None,center=None):
466		super(AffineTransform,self).__init__()
467		self.dom=dom
468		if mult is not None: mult = ad.asarray(mult)
469		self._mult = mult
471		if shift is not None: shift = ad.asarray(shift)
472		if center is not None:
473			center=ad.asarray(center)
474			shift2=center-self.forward(center,linear=True)
475			shift = shift2 if shift is None else shift+shift2
477		self._shift = shift
478		self._mult_inv = (None if mult is None else 
479			(ad.asarray(1./mult) if mult.ndim==0 else np.linalg.inv(mult) ) )
480		self._mult_inv_norm = (1. if self._mult_inv is None 
481			else np.linalg.norm(self._mult_inv,ord=2) )
483	@property
484	def vdim(self): return self.dom.vdim

Dimension of the embedding space

def forward(self, x, linear=False):
486	def forward(self,x,linear=False):
487		"""
488		Forward affine transformation, from the original domain to the transformed one.
489		"""
490		x=x.copy()
491		shape = x.shape[1:]
493		mult = self._mult
494		if mult is None: 	pass
495		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
496		else: x=lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
498		if not linear and self._shift is not None:
499			x+=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
501		return x

Forward affine transformation, from the original domain to the transformed one.

def reverse(self, x, linear=False):
503	def reverse(self,x,linear=False):
504		"""
505		Reverse affine transformation, from the transformed domain to the original one.
506		"""
507		x=x.copy()
508		shape = x.shape[1:]
510		shift = self._shift
511		if (shift is None) or linear: 	pass
512		else:	x-=fd.as_field(shift,shape,conditional=False)
514		mult = self._mult_inv
515		if mult is None: 	pass
516		elif mult.ndim==0:	x*=mult
517		else: x = lp.dot_AV(fd.as_field(mult,shape,conditional=False),x)
519		return x

Reverse affine transformation, from the transformed domain to the original one.

def contains(self, x):
521	def contains(self,x):
522		return self.dom.contains(self.reverse(x))

Wether x lies inside the domain.

def level(self, x):
523	def level(self,x):
524		return self.dom.level(self.reverse(x))/self._mult_inv_norm

A level set function, negative inside the domain, positive outside. Guaranteed to be 1-Lipschitz.

def intervals(self, x, v):
525	def intervals(self,x,v):
526		return self.dom.intervals(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))

A union of disjoint intervals, sorted in increasing order, $$ ] a_0,b_0 [ \cup ] a_1,b_1 [ \cup ... \cup ] a_{n-1},b_{n-1} [ $$ such that $x+t v$ lies in the domain iff $t$ lies on one of these intervals.

def freeway(self, x, v):
527	def freeway(self,x,v):
528		return self.dom.freeway(self.reverse(x),self.reverse(v,linear=True))

Output : Least $t\geq 0$ such that $x+tv$ intersects the boundary.

Inherited Members
class Dirichlet:
530class Dirichlet:
531	"""
532	Implements Dirichlet boundary conditions.
533	When computing finite differences, values queried outside the domain interior
534	are replaced with values obtained on the boundary along the given direction.
536	__init__ arguments :
537	- domain: geometrical description of the domain 
538	- value: a scalar or map yielding the value of the boundary conditions
539	- grid: the cartesian grid. Ex: np.array(np.meshgrid(aX,aY,indexing='ij')) for suitable aX,aY
541	- interior (optional): the points regarded as interior to the domain. 
542	- interior_radius (optional): sets
543		interior = domain.contains_ball(interior_radius)
545	- grid_values (optional): placeholder values to be used on the grid.
546		Either an array of values, or a function
548	member fields : 
549	- interior : mask for the discretization grid points inside the domain.
550	"""
552	def __init__(self,domain,value,grid,
553		interior_radius=None,interior=None,grid_values=0.):
554		self.domain = domain
556		if isinstance(value,float):
557			self.value = lambda x:value
558		else:
559			self.value = value
561		self.grid = ad.asarray(grid)
562		self.gridscale = self._gridscale(self.grid)
564		if interior is not None:
565			self.interior = interior
566		else:
567			if interior_radius is None:
568#				interior_radius = 0.5 * self.gridscale
569				# Tiny value, for numerical stability. Ideally 0.
570				interior_radius = self.gridscale * 1e-8 
571			self.interior = self.domain.contains_ball(self.grid,interior_radius)
573		if isinstance(grid_values,float) or ad.isndarray(grid_values):
574			self.grid_values = grid_values
575		else:
576			self.grid_values = grid_values(self.grid)
579	@staticmethod
580	def _gridscale(grid):
581		dim = len(grid)
582		assert(grid.ndim==1+dim)
583		x0 = grid.__getitem__((slice(None),)+(0,)*dim)
584		x1 = grid.__getitem__((slice(None),)+(1,)*dim)
585		delta = np.abs(x1-x0)
586		hmin,hmax = np.min(delta),np.max(delta)
587		if hmax>=hmin*(1+1e-8):
588			raise ValueError("Error : gridscale is axis dependent")
589		return hmax
591	@property 
592	def shape(self): 
593		"""
594		The shape of the domain (discretization grid).
595		"""
596		return self.grid.shape[1:]
598	@property
599	def vdim(self): 
600		"""
601		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
602		"""
603		return len(self.grid)	
604	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
605		"""
606		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
607		so that the shape ends with the domain shape. 
608		"""
609		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)
611	@property
612	def not_interior(self): 
613		"""
614		Mask for the grid points outside the domain.
615		"""
616		return np.logical_not(self.interior)
618	@property
619	def Mock(self):
620		"""
621		Returns mock Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by evaluating 
622		the boundary condition outside the interior.
623		"""
624		bc_values = np.full(self.grid.shape[1:],np.nan)
625		bc_values[self.not_interior] = self.value(self.grid[:,self.not_interior])
626		return MockDirichlet(bc_values,self.gridscale)
628	@property
629	def _ExteriorNaNs(self):
630		result = np.zeros(self.grid.shape[1:])
631		result[self.not_interior]=np.nan
632		return result
634	def _BoundaryLayer(self,u,du):
635		"""
636		Returns positions at which u is defined but du is not.
637		"""
638		return np.logical_and.reduce([
639			np.isnan(du),
640			np.broadcast_to(self.interior,du.shape),
641			np.broadcast_to(np.logical_not(np.isnan(u)),du.shape)
642			])
644	def _DiffUpwindDirichlet(self,u,offsets,grid,reth):
645		"""
646		Returns first order finite differences w.r.t. boundary value.
647		"""
648		h = self.domain.freeway(grid,offsets)
649		x = grid+h*offsets
651		if np.any(np.isnan(x)):
652			bad = np.isnan(x.sum(axis=0))
653			print("bad",grid[:,bad],offsets[:,bad],h[bad],x[:,bad])
655		xvalues = self.value(x)
656		result = (xvalues-u)/h
657		return (result,h) if reth else result
661	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,reth=False):
662		"""
663		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
664		Uses boundary values when needed.
665		Input : 
666		- u : array with the domain shape.
667		- offsets :  array of integers, with shape 
668		(vdim, n1,...,nk) or (vdim, n1,...,nk, shape) 
669		where vdim,shape is the ambient space dimension and domain shape, 
670		and n1,...,nk are arbitrary.
671		- reth (optional) : wether to return the grid scale used (differs from the 
672		grid scale on the neighborhood of the boundary).
673		"""
674		assert(isinstance(reth,bool))
675		grid=self.grid
676		du = fd.DiffUpwind(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
677		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
678		offsets = fd.as_field(np.asarray(offsets),u.shape)
679		um = np.broadcast_to(u,offsets.shape[1:])[mask]
680		om = offsets[:,mask]
681		gm = np.broadcast_to(grid.reshape( 
682			(len(grid),)+(1,)*(offsets.ndim-grid.ndim)+u.shape),offsets.shape)[:,mask]
683#		um,om,gm = u[mask], offsets[:,mask], grid[:,mask]
684		if not reth: 
685			du[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
686			return du
687		else: 
688			hr = np.full(offsets.shape[1:],self.gridscale)
689			du[mask],hr[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
690			return du,hr
692	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets):
693		"""
694		Centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction, 
695		computed using the second order accurate centered scheme.
696		Falls back to upwind finite differences close to the boundary.
697		"""
698		du = fd.DiffCentered(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
699		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
700		du1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,offsets)
701		du[mask]=du1[mask]
702		#du[mask] = self.DiffUpwind(u[mask],offsets[:,mask],h,grid[:,mask])
703		return du
707	def Diff2(self,u,offsets):
708		"""
709		Second order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction.
710		Second order accurate in the interior, 
711		but only first order accurate at the boundary.
712		"""
713		du0,h0 = self.DiffUpwind(u, offsets,		  reth=True)
714		du1,h1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,-np.asarray(offsets),reth=True)
716		return (du0+du1)*(2./(h0+h1))

Implements Dirichlet boundary conditions. When computing finite differences, values queried outside the domain interior are replaced with values obtained on the boundary along the given direction.

__init__ arguments :

  • domain: geometrical description of the domain
  • value: a scalar or map yielding the value of the boundary conditions
  • grid: the cartesian grid. Ex: np.array(np.meshgrid(aX,aY,indexing='ij')) for suitable aX,aY
  • interior (optional): the points regarded as interior to the domain.
  • interior_radius (optional): sets interior = domain.contains_ball(interior_radius)

  • grid_values (optional): placeholder values to be used on the grid. Either an array of values, or a function

member fields :

  • interior : mask for the discretization grid points inside the domain.
Dirichlet( domain, value, grid, interior_radius=None, interior=None, grid_values=0.0)
552	def __init__(self,domain,value,grid,
553		interior_radius=None,interior=None,grid_values=0.):
554		self.domain = domain
556		if isinstance(value,float):
557			self.value = lambda x:value
558		else:
559			self.value = value
561		self.grid = ad.asarray(grid)
562		self.gridscale = self._gridscale(self.grid)
564		if interior is not None:
565			self.interior = interior
566		else:
567			if interior_radius is None:
568#				interior_radius = 0.5 * self.gridscale
569				# Tiny value, for numerical stability. Ideally 0.
570				interior_radius = self.gridscale * 1e-8 
571			self.interior = self.domain.contains_ball(self.grid,interior_radius)
573		if isinstance(grid_values,float) or ad.isndarray(grid_values):
574			self.grid_values = grid_values
575		else:
576			self.grid_values = grid_values(self.grid)
591	@property 
592	def shape(self): 
593		"""
594		The shape of the domain (discretization grid).
595		"""
596		return self.grid.shape[1:]

The shape of the domain (discretization grid).

598	@property
599	def vdim(self): 
600		"""
601		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
602		"""
603		return len(self.grid)	

The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.

def as_field(self, arr, **kwargs):
604	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
605		"""
606		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
607		so that the shape ends with the domain shape. 
608		"""
609		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)

Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary, so that the shape ends with the domain shape.

611	@property
612	def not_interior(self): 
613		"""
614		Mask for the grid points outside the domain.
615		"""
616		return np.logical_not(self.interior)

Mask for the grid points outside the domain.

618	@property
619	def Mock(self):
620		"""
621		Returns mock Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by evaluating 
622		the boundary condition outside the interior.
623		"""
624		bc_values = np.full(self.grid.shape[1:],np.nan)
625		bc_values[self.not_interior] = self.value(self.grid[:,self.not_interior])
626		return MockDirichlet(bc_values,self.gridscale)

Returns mock Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by evaluating the boundary condition outside the interior.

def DiffUpwind(self, u, offsets, reth=False):
661	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,reth=False):
662		"""
663		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
664		Uses boundary values when needed.
665		Input : 
666		- u : array with the domain shape.
667		- offsets :  array of integers, with shape 
668		(vdim, n1,...,nk) or (vdim, n1,...,nk, shape) 
669		where vdim,shape is the ambient space dimension and domain shape, 
670		and n1,...,nk are arbitrary.
671		- reth (optional) : wether to return the grid scale used (differs from the 
672		grid scale on the neighborhood of the boundary).
673		"""
674		assert(isinstance(reth,bool))
675		grid=self.grid
676		du = fd.DiffUpwind(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
677		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
678		offsets = fd.as_field(np.asarray(offsets),u.shape)
679		um = np.broadcast_to(u,offsets.shape[1:])[mask]
680		om = offsets[:,mask]
681		gm = np.broadcast_to(grid.reshape( 
682			(len(grid),)+(1,)*(offsets.ndim-grid.ndim)+u.shape),offsets.shape)[:,mask]
683#		um,om,gm = u[mask], offsets[:,mask], grid[:,mask]
684		if not reth: 
685			du[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
686			return du
687		else: 
688			hr = np.full(offsets.shape[1:],self.gridscale)
689			du[mask],hr[mask] = self._DiffUpwindDirichlet(um,om,gm,reth=reth)
690			return du,hr

First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. Uses boundary values when needed. Input :

  • u : array with the domain shape.
  • offsets : array of integers, with shape (vdim, n1,...,nk) or (vdim, n1,...,nk, shape) where vdim,shape is the ambient space dimension and domain shape, and n1,...,nk are arbitrary.
  • reth (optional) : wether to return the grid scale used (differs from the grid scale on the neighborhood of the boundary).
def DiffCentered(self, u, offsets):
692	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets):
693		"""
694		Centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction, 
695		computed using the second order accurate centered scheme.
696		Falls back to upwind finite differences close to the boundary.
697		"""
698		du = fd.DiffCentered(u+self._ExteriorNaNs,offsets,self.gridscale)
699		mask = self._BoundaryLayer(u,du)
700		du1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,offsets)
701		du[mask]=du1[mask]
702		#du[mask] = self.DiffUpwind(u[mask],offsets[:,mask],h,grid[:,mask])
703		return du

Centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction, computed using the second order accurate centered scheme. Falls back to upwind finite differences close to the boundary.

def Diff2(self, u, offsets):
707	def Diff2(self,u,offsets):
708		"""
709		Second order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction.
710		Second order accurate in the interior, 
711		but only first order accurate at the boundary.
712		"""
713		du0,h0 = self.DiffUpwind(u, offsets,		  reth=True)
714		du1,h1 = self.DiffUpwind(u,-np.asarray(offsets),reth=True)
716		return (du0+du1)*(2./(h0+h1))

Second order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. Second order accurate in the interior, but only first order accurate at the boundary.

class MockDirichlet:
718class MockDirichlet:
719	"""
720	Implements a crude version of Dirichlet boundary conditions, 
721	where the boundary conditions are given on the full domain complement.
723	(No geometrical computations involved.)
725	__init__ arguments : 
726	- grid_values : the Dirichlet boundary conditions. 
727	 Please set to np.nan the values interior to domain.
728	- gridscale : the discretization grid scale.
729	- padding : the padding values to be used outside the discretization grid.
730	"""
732	def __init__(self,grid_values,gridscale,padding=np.nan):
733		if isinstance(grid_values,tuple):
734			grid_values = np.full(grid_values,np.nan)
735		self.grid_values=grid_values
736		self.gridscale=gridscale
737		self.padding = padding
739	@property
740	def interior(self): 
741		"""
742		The discretization grid points inside the domain.
743		"""
744		return np.isnan(self.grid_values)
745	@property
746	def not_interior(self): 
747		"""
748		The discretization grid points outside the domain.
749		"""
750		return np.logical_not(self.interior)
752	@property
753	def vdim(self): 
754		"""
755		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
756		"""
757		return self.grid_values.ndim	
759	@property
760	def shape(self): 
761		"""
762		The shape of the domain discretization grid.
763		"""
764		return self.grid_values.shape
766	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
767		"""
768		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
769		so that the shape ends with the discretization grid shape. 
770		"""
771		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)
773	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,**kwargs): 
774		"""
775		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
776		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
777		"""
778		return fd.DiffUpwind(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding,**kwargs)
780	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets): 
781		"""
782		First order centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
783		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
784		"""
785		return fd.DiffCentered(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding)
787	def Diff2(self,u,offsets,*args): 
788		"""
789		Second order order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
790		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
791		"""
792		return fd.Diff2(u,offsets,self.gridscale,*args,padding=self.padding)

Implements a crude version of Dirichlet boundary conditions, where the boundary conditions are given on the full domain complement.

(No geometrical computations involved.)

__init__ arguments :

  • grid_values : the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Please set to np.nan the values interior to domain.
  • gridscale : the discretization grid scale.
  • padding : the padding values to be used outside the discretization grid.
MockDirichlet(grid_values, gridscale, padding=nan)
732	def __init__(self,grid_values,gridscale,padding=np.nan):
733		if isinstance(grid_values,tuple):
734			grid_values = np.full(grid_values,np.nan)
735		self.grid_values=grid_values
736		self.gridscale=gridscale
737		self.padding = padding
739	@property
740	def interior(self): 
741		"""
742		The discretization grid points inside the domain.
743		"""
744		return np.isnan(self.grid_values)

The discretization grid points inside the domain.

745	@property
746	def not_interior(self): 
747		"""
748		The discretization grid points outside the domain.
749		"""
750		return np.logical_not(self.interior)

The discretization grid points outside the domain.

752	@property
753	def vdim(self): 
754		"""
755		The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.
756		"""
757		return self.grid_values.ndim	

The dimension of the vector space containing the domain.

759	@property
760	def shape(self): 
761		"""
762		The shape of the domain discretization grid.
763		"""
764		return self.grid_values.shape

The shape of the domain discretization grid.

def as_field(self, arr, **kwargs):
766	def as_field(self,arr,**kwargs): 
767		"""
768		Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary,
769		so that the shape ends with the discretization grid shape. 
770		"""
771		return fd.as_field(arr,self.shape,**kwargs)

Adds trailing dimensions, and broadcasts arr, if necessary, so that the shape ends with the discretization grid shape.

def DiffUpwind(self, u, offsets, **kwargs):
773	def DiffUpwind(self,u,offsets,**kwargs): 
774		"""
775		First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
776		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
777		"""
778		return fd.DiffUpwind(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding,**kwargs)

First order upwind finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.

def DiffCentered(self, u, offsets):
780	def DiffCentered(self,u,offsets): 
781		"""
782		First order centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
783		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
784		"""
785		return fd.DiffCentered(u,offsets,self.gridscale,padding=self.padding)

First order centered finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.

def Diff2(self, u, offsets, *args):
787	def Diff2(self,u,offsets,*args): 
788		"""
789		Second order order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. 
790		Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.
791		"""
792		return fd.Diff2(u,offsets,self.gridscale,*args,padding=self.padding)

Second order order finite differences of u, along the offsets direction. Uses grid_values outside the domain interior.